Best ways to lose weight and keep it off after 40

Purposeful weight loss requires effort and sacrifice. Yet, many individuals experience frustrating stagnation of weight or even weight gain after initial success. Conditions resulting from getting older can further hinder efforts. The inability to stay at a targeted weight can result from participating in unsustainable diets, exercise and other lifestyle practices. However, weight loss is not only possible but sustainable after the age of forty. So, what are some of the best ways to lose weight and keep it off after forty?

The best ways to lose weight and maintain it after age 40 is to develop healthy lasting habits such as:

  • daily exercise (at least 30 minutes)
  • eating 300 to 500 calories less daily
  • stay hydrated
  • get enough sleep
  • control stress
  • limit sugary beverages, fast food, and processed foods
  • start each day with a high-fiber, high-protein breakfast

Developing balanced eating patterns along with incorporating daily movement and other healthy lifestyle habits will support weight loss and weight maintenance after the age of forty.

For long lasting weight outcomes, individuals should avoid any extreme measures causing more than 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week. Losing weight too fast may be a sign of unsustainable practices that likely lead to undesired weight regain. A healthy weight maintenance comes through a holistic approach focusing on physical, emotional and mental health.

Continue reading for more specific information about sustainable weight loss after the age of forty.

What should nutrition look like to lose weight?

Rapid results that seem too good to be true will likely fall short of meeting long lasting weight goals. Why? Because elimination of entire food groups, strict food rules or severe restriction of nutrients contributes to malnutrition. Malnutrition shows up as quick weight loss, but the body reacts to malnutrition with survival techniques such as a reduced metabolism, decreased desire to expend energy and increased cravings for high calorie foods. Consequently, while dieters may initially see a fast drop in weight, the compensatory mechanisms will ultimately counteract weight loss efforts.

For better outcomes, an eating pattern should include more nutrient dense foods, allow for only a moderate decrease in calories and avoid making certain foods or nutrients off limits. Some of the top diets ranked by US News through a panel of health experts include the Mediterranean diet, Dash diet and Flexitarian diet. These diets all have in common a focus of including more nutrient dense foods and no restrictive food rules.

Mediterranean diet-This diet emphasizes fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, legumes (beans, soy, lentils) olive oil, spices and herbs. Additionally, followers are encouraged to consume fish and seafood.  Poultry, eggs and dairy are eaten in moderation and meat and sweets only on special occasions. 

Dash diet-The focus of this diet is to reduce high blood pressure. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low fat dairy are highlighted for their abundance of blood pressure lowering nutrients. This diet  discourages consumption of high fat foods and sugar sweetened drinks and beverages.

Flexitarian diet-The word flexitarian combines the words “vegetarian”  and “flexible”. Followers of this eating style may follow a vegetarian diet for most of the time, but occasionally allow for meat and other animal products. Basically, individuals try to eat more plants and less meat. 

These diets are guidelines, but a person can see weight loss even without a specific eating pattern. Generally, a diet supportive of weight loss will include the principles of balance, variety and moderation. Nutrient dense foods include whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruit, unsweetened dairy and unsaturated sources of fat. 

At meals, try to make half the plate fruit and vegetables, a quarter grains and a quarter protein. Snacks should include a combination of carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber. Additionally, portion control along with mindful eating will help prevent overeating and lend to satisfaction with eating occasions.

How many calories should a person over forty eat to lose weight and keep the weight off?

The question of how much to eat varies from person to person. Individuals experience unique conditions that make it impossible to determine one set calorie target for everyone. In fact, calorie needs can even change for the same person on different days.

Women typically need 1,800 to 2,200 calories per day and men need approximately 2,000 to 3,200 depending on body size, age, activity level, etc. Do not eat less than 1,200 calories per day in order to get enough nutrients for your body to function properly.

Generally, individuals should eat 300-500 fewer calories daily for weight loss and then reduce that deficit to zero once weight loss is achieved in order to maintain weight. Speaking to a registered dietitian is a helpful step in determining nutrition for weight loss attempts. Calorie calculators can also give some guidance for dietary recommendations. 

Consuming more nutrient dense foods and listening to hunger and fullness cues can assist in weight loss attempts without calorie counting. Nutrient dense foods in balanced meals and snacks allow for more satisfaction and energy while eating fewer calories. 

How should a person over forty exercise to successfully lose weight?

Every form of exercise attracts die hard followers who convincingly extol the benefits of their preferred type. However, any form of physical activity will support a healthy weight and promote improved overall well-being. Subsequently, individuals should find what sort of movement fits best with their lifestyle. 

That being said, more vigorous movement will offer similar benefits, such as calories burned, in a shorter time period than slower paced exercise. The decreased time can help individuals feel more able to make healthy movement a consistent part of busy lives.

Aerobic activities assist individuals in creating the necessary weight loss calorie deficit through an increase in daily energy expenditure. This type of physical activity includes running, walking, cycling, swimming, sports, dancing, skiing and even mowing lawns. These exercises also improve heart, brain and lung health.

Studies suggest around 300 plus minutes of physical activity per week aids with weight loss. In order to maintain a healthy weight, health experts recommend at least 75 minutes vigorous and 150 minutes moderate activity per week.

Health experts also recommend at least two sessions of resistance based workouts each week. Resistance based exercises will allow for muscle growth, which can increase resting metabolism. These exercises also boost bone, muscle and joint health. These activities include lifting weights, body weight exercises, rock climbing, stairs and jumping.

Individuals should allow for rest days in order to avoid overtraining. Too much exercise with inadequate time to recover negatively affects health with increased risk of Illness, injury and energy conservation. 

Is nutrition or exercise more important for weight loss?

Both nutrition and exercise play an important role in losing unhealthy weight and maintaining a healthy weight. In general, nutrition will have a greater effect on weight loss attempts. In reality, exercise can rarely make up for a poor diet. An hour of walking burns about 300 calories, or the amount of calories in a hamburger or serving of many desserts. 

However, studies do show that consistent exercise contributes to improved rates of maintaining a goal weight. Physical activity may even increase the desire to eat better. Also, staying active improves quality of life. So, to most effectively lose weight and keep it off, look to develop both healthy eating and exercise habits.

What other habits support weight loss after forty?

Focusing on all aspects of health will likely lead to preserving those hard earned weight results. Sleep deprivation, poor mental health and other aspects of life outside of nutrition and exercise can significantly detract from a person’s ability to reach their health goals. The following list details additional aspects of a sustainable weight loss journey.


Adults need 7 or more hours of sleep each night. A lack of sleep or even poor quality will increase inflammation, a risk factor for chronic disease. It also means more time awake, often during snacking hours. Furthermore, inadequate sleep can increase cravings for high calorie foods and disrupt the hormones that regulate hunger and fullness.

Manage stress

Prolonged and untreated stress negatively impacts health and energy. Those burdened by stress often find themselves lacking energy for physical activity or to make healthy meals.  Poorly managed stress may also increase appetite and affect sleep. 

Seek advice from a professional for counsel on how to best manage stress. Some ideas include prioritizing tasks, talking with someone, enjoy favorite pastime, allowing for rest and ask for help.

Find support

Finding support during this journey can make a huge difference. A supportive companion creates accountability and can lend a listening ear and advice. Studies specifically show that family interventions boost rates of success in health goals.

Stay hydrated

Hydration could fall under nutrition, but is often overlooked. Constant dehydration may impact a person’s ability to determine hunger and fullness cues. It also increases feelings of fatigue and lowers feelings of well-being. 

Regarding beverage choice, choose water and other unsweetened beverages like milk, plant milk, tea and 100% fruit juice. Beverages lack fiber and other factors that contribute to satiety. Soda, sweetened drinks, energy drinks and alcohol can quickly increase calorie and sugar intake. Reserve these types of drinks for special occasions.

Self compassion 

One piece of cake, a skipped workout or a sleepless night will not cause failure. The body is resilient and forgiving. Allow for special occasions, mistakes and realistic set-backs as these are all part of the journey. Avoiding the extreme all-or-nothing mentality will actually boost rather than take away from weight loss efforts. Focus on enjoying an overall balanced lifestyle, mishaps and all.

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