What Foods Should You Avoid at Age 40?

Your body starts to change as you get older and sometimes the health habits you had in your 20’s don’t seem to be affecting you the same any more. If you are wanting to be more health conscious now that you are in your 40’s, good for you! Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad nutrition advice out there- but you are in the right place to figure out what foods you should and shouldn’t be eating from a nutrition expert!

There aren’t a whole lot of foods you should completely avoid in your 40s- especially if they are foods you really enjoy! However, it is best to limit your intake of soda, alcohol, sugary beverages, red meats, high saturated-fat foods, foods with excess added sugar, and highly processed foods. Does that mean you have to cut them out entirely- absolutely not! You just have to learn how to balance them with nutrient-dense foods and enjoy them mindfully.

Read on for more information about what foods to limit in your 40’s, the best foods to eat in your 40’s, if you should go on a diet at age 40, important nutrients to include in your diet, and tips from a dietitian on staying healthy as you get older!

What Foods to Limit in Your 40’s

The foods to limit in your 40’s are basically the same foods to limit at all stages of life. Limiting these foods is not the same as cutting them out entirely. If you truly enjoy some of these foods, you can still enjoy them in moderation while in your 40’s.

When I say limit these foods, that could mean decreasing the frequency at which you have them, including other foods along with it so that you don’t have to consume as much, eating mindfully and stopping when you feel satisfied. As you plan your meals for the week, and as you look over recipes, try to space out some of these foods and find ways of making small swaps for more nutrient-dense foods.

Here is a list of foods that I typically recommend people to limit:

  • Soda
  • Alcohol
  • Sugary beverages
  • Highly processed foods
  • Red meats
  • High-fat meats
  • Foods high in saturated fat (like butter)
  • Foods with excessive added sugars

Now if you are worried because that list includes some of your favorite foods, remember that you don’t have to cut them out. However, it is good to be aware of the types of food that aren’t as great for your body so that you can make more mindful choices about the foods you eat!

I encourage you to take a look at your diet and find some easy places to make swaps for healthier options- especially where you won’t even really notice a difference! For example, choosing sauces or cereals lower in added sugars is a simple change you could make. Maybe you have recipes that call for butter, but taste practically the same when using half as much as it calls for. 

What are the Best Foods to Eat in Your 40’s?

The best foods to eat in your 40’s include a wide variety of foods from each of the food groups. Since each food has a different nutrient makeup, you get the most benefit from eating  a variety. 

Don’t get too caught up in the “superfood” trend these days. Although there are a lot of very nutrient-rich foods out there, no food by itself is going to make you healthy! 

Let’s go through each of the food groups and talk about which foods are going to be the best for adults in their 40’s to focus on!


It is recommended to make half of your grains whole grains each day. Whole grains include brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, popcorn, oatmeal, quinoa, whole grain tortillas, etc. Marketing on some foods can be misleading, so check out the ingredients list and look for “whole grain” or “whole wheat” as the first ingredient.


Protein is especially important for retaining good muscle mass as you get older. Focus on eating lean meats and a mix of animal and plant-based protein! Some foods you might try and include in your diet are natural peanut butter, chicken, turkey, pork chops, quinoa, legumes, tofu, eggs, soymilk, low-fat cows milk, greek yogurt, reduced-fat cheese, and nuts.


There are lots of mixed opinions out there about dairy products, but the nutrients found in these foods are so important for maintaining blood pressure and improving bone health. I recommend sticking to low-fat dairy options where possible to reduce your intake of saturated fat. Look for low-fat greek yogurt, milk, cheese, and cottage cheese.


Fruits are mostly made up of natural sugars AKA, carbohydrates, AKA, your body’s main energy source! It is best to choose whole fruits that still contain fiber over fruit juices. If you do want to include juice in your diet sometimes- just make sure it is 100% fruit juice! 

Frozen fruit is also a very nutritious choice. If you eat canned fruits, make sure to choose options that are canned in a light syrup or in water to reduce the unnecessary added sugars. Fruit is sweet enough as it is and usually doesn’t need it!

All fruits are good fruits, and variety is truly key! Eat a variety of flavors and colors for the best health benefits.


Some vegetables are higher in starch, like potatoes, corn, and peas. This doesn’t make them “bad” foods, but I tend to think of them as a grain rather than a vegetable! They still are wonderful and nutrient dense foods to include in your diet!

Just like with fruits, include lots of variety in the vegetables you eat. Try to eat a wide array of colors and textures!

Fats and Oils

A lot of times people avoid all fats because they have been told fat is bad for them. In reality, your body needs healthy fats to reduce inflammation, absorb nutrients, sustain energy levels, and more! 

I recommend limiting saturated fats and focusing more on including unsaturated fats in your diet. This includes olive oil and many other plant-based oils, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, natural nut butters, and avocado.

Should You Go On a Diet at Age 40?

There is no need to go on a diet at any age. In fact, going on a diet in your 40’s might actually increase your chance of weight gain- how crazy is that! Since so many diets are overly restrictive, your brain and body eventually reject that way of eating and usually end up eating even more than you need. Weight cycling (fluctuations in weight over time) is common in people who diet.

Dieting can also lead to obsessive thoughts about food and unhealthy eating behaviors such as binging and purging. These unhealthy behaviors that could be a result of dieting are not worth it! Just skip the dieting and focus on sustainable, healthy lifestyle behaviors and your body will thank you in the long-term!

Important Nutrients to Include in Your 40’s:

If you focus on getting a variety of foods from each of the food groups regularly, your body will likely be getting all of the nutrients that it needs. I recommend especially focusing on eating a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat each time you eat to help your body function at its best. 

Vitamins and minerals will be found in a variety of foods as well, but fruits and vegetables are especially good sources! Sometimes it can be helpful to try and include a fruit or a vegetable (or both) at every meal and snack.

Remember to stay hydrated as well! Water is also an essential nutrient that your body needs plenty of. You may need extra electrolytes with your fluids, especially on really hot days or if you tend to sweat a lot.

A Dietitian’s Top Tips for Staying Healthy in Your 40’s

Staying healthy as you get older doesn’t have to be super complicated. Here are a few of the most important things to remember…

  1. Don’t obsess about weight. Instead, focus more on the eating and exercise habits that you are doing on a regular basis.
  1. Develop your mindful eating skills. Once you understand how your body works and know what foods will help nourish it, listening to your body is the most helpful skill you can have!
  1. Eat enough food and focus on nourishing your body rather than restricting and punishing it. 
  1. Focus on what you can add rather than what you need to remove from your diet.
  1. Treat your body with love and respect, through the way you eat, the way you exercise, the way you sleep, the way you take care of your mental health, and more!

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There isn’t really a list of foods to avoid in your 40’s, but there are foods that are more nutrient-dense than others and focusing on those is the way to go! When you focus on including those nutrient-rich foods in your diet, things tend to just fall into place and some of the “less-healthy” foods end up not being as prevalent. As you eat mindfully and purposefully, you will see how all foods can have a place in a healthy diet! 

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